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Dell_XPS_8950 Desktop

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

Just bought this desktop from Costco. I am not so sure after using it a couple days.

After setting it up, adding some basic apps, running some clips, I started hearing steady small buzz noise. It was after 10pm. The next morning I heard less but maybe because there were more of different kinds of noise in the surrounding area. I mean AC, restroom fan. However, the steady buzz noise from this Dell was still very audible.

I guess it has more noise than my old one which I had built more than 5 years ago. It was i5, 8GB RAM with no fancy video card. Probably the operation of this Dell might generate a lot of heat which needs more fan work. I will continue to monitor its performance to see what it can cheer me up. Thanks for viewing my review. You all have a great day.

A few more days after the purchase, I returned it to Costco. I just could not stand the noise from this XPS Desktop. It was an expensive system. It is not acceptable for this Dell XPS Desktop to have this defect. You can see this system has expensive parts from Nvidia RTX 3060 Video card to i7-12700 processor and 32GB RAM. I am sorry for Dell Computer. It is a brand name but their production did a bad job. I probably will not pick up computer products from Costco in the future.

Amazingly enough, when I returned the computer which I bought previous week. The customer service member was trying to open the computer case like he thought I had opened it and swapped parts from it but he failed. Dell sealed it from the inside. He tried to open it using flat head screwdriver. It is not his job to do it. This is unprofessional. He ended up damaging the the edge of the case and unable to open it. Finally he asked the manager to approve the return.

This is a new experience for me in terms of high dollar Dell system and Costco customer service.

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Vinny P
Vinny P
Jul 04, 2022

Interesting. Costco also checked the serial number of the Samsung tv I recently returned

Jul 05, 2022
Replying to

Understandable for scanning the serial number of the TV but using flathead screw driver to damage an expensive Dell Computer is too much. RMA man supposed to ask for the IT's help.

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